Days of Wonder – new films influenced by archive footage

Turntable Zoetrope Animations – made during workshops led by Annis Joslin and Seo Hye Lee

One Minute Wonders: made during workshops led by Annis Joslin and Seo Hye Lee

Black and white picture of a man in a white circle laughing wildly waering a black flat cap.
Thaumatropes – made by Annis Joslin and Seo Hye Lee

Four pictures of a sideways palm on a circular turntable as part of a zoetrope.
Turntable Zoetrope Animations made by Annis Joslin and Seo Hye Lee

sound in between – created by Seo Hye Lee using archive footage from Screen Archive South East

Exquisite Archive – made by Annis Joslin and Seo Hye Lee utilising heritage film footage from Screen Archive South East

The above films were created as part of Days of Wonder, a programme exploring the Film & Media Collections of Brighton & Hove, including at Hove Museum & Art Gallery and Screen Archive South East.

The top three films were made as part of workshops during the Days of Wonder workshops and exhibition during 17-19 February 2022. Artist-filmmakers Annis Joslin and Seo Hye Lee worked with participants, looking at heritage footage and optical toys, creating new films that combine archive film and newly filmed footage. The bottom row of three films were created by Annis Joslin and Seo Hye Lee.

Days of Wonder was produced by videoclub and Corridor in partnership with Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust and Screen Archive South East with support from Arts Council England, National Lottery Heritage Fund, Film Hub South East and The Arts Society East Sussex.