Ritual: Artists’ film and video from SE Asia
Ritual presents recent work by artist filmmakers from Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia, giving a brief glimpse into moving image practices from SE Asia. From Shireen Seno’s humour to Taiki Sakpisit’s darkness, through the metaphors of Au Sow Yee’s folk stories, Ritual explores our emotional inner world and life’s illusions.
As the first UK-touring programme dedicated to SE Asian moving image arts, this programme includes Krisna Murti, who is the pioneer of video art in the region, and rising filmmaking talent from several SE Asian countries, including: Au Sow Yee, Shireen Seno, Phạm Ngọc Lân and Taiki Sakpisit.
Curated by Moritz Cheung for videoclub.
Screening Programme
The Story of Ones, Phạm Ngọc Lân (Vietnam), 2011, 10 mins
A Ripe Volcano, Taiki Sakpisit (Thailand), 2011, 15 mins
Paradise Under Construction, Krisna Murti (Indonesia), 2014, 4 mins
Sang Kancil, Hang Tuah, Raja Bersiong, Bomoh, the Missing Jet and Others, Au Sow Yee (Malaysia), 2015, 18 mins
Shotgun Tuding, Shireen Seno (Philippines), 2014, 16 mins
Venues and dates
Date and time: Thursday, 02 November 2017 – doors and bar 7pm, event starts 7:30pm
Price: £3
Address: Fabrica, Duke Street, Brighton BN1 1AG
Web / contact / tickets: www.fabrica.org.uk / 01273 778646 / BOOK TICKETS
Phoenix Cinema and Arts Centre
Date and time: Wednesday, 6 December 2017 at 6:30pm
Address: 4 Midland Street, Leicester LE1 1TG
Web / contact / tickets: www.phoenix.org.uk / 0116 242 2800 / No booking needed
Supported by Arts Council England.