Third Thursdays’ theme for April is Memory. We have curated a programme of new and existing works by artists and filmmakers that reflect on and stimulate memories. Including ‘Laser Lunar Lander’ by Seb Lee-Delisle – the 70s videogame projected onto Polo Restaurant (Nile St, The Lanes); ‘Remembering Place’ by Thomas Buckley – a new commission projected on screens floating above Gardner St; ‘Reminiscents’ by Originary Arts – an exhibition of memory-inspired artwork evoked by smell at Lush on East St, plus much more, including musicians playing throughout the streets and a new film trail of reflective films.
Memory is such an important part of human life and experience – join us in celebrating with art, music and film a journey into memory in the streets of Brighton. More details on the Third Thursdays website.
To join and follow the film trail, meet at 8pm outside Maje on East Street.
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About Third Thursdays
Third Thursdays is an arts, music and culture programme that aims to make the centre of Brighton more vibrant, through events, performances, film projections and new artwork commissions.
See the programme on the Third Thursdays website: thirdthursdaysbrighton.com
To find out more join our mailing list by clicking here. Or follow us on social media: Facebook // Twitter // Instagram.
Third Thursdays is part of the ABCD Cultural Recovery Plan, supported by Arts Council England, Brighton & Hove City Council, Brilliant Brighton Business Improvement District, Pebble Trust and the Welcome Back Fund (European Regional Development Fund).
About ABCD Cultural Recovery Plan
The disruption of the pandemic brought together over 100 creatives in Brighton & Hove to explore how arts & culture can be more inclusive, sustainable and collaborative in the City in the future. This resulted in a recovery plan that runs to the end of 2022 and has so far raised over £350k for the cultural sector in the City. The plan is overseen by an independent group of people formed of a Governance Group and a series of Working Groups. Our aims are to create paid work and professional opportunities for creative workers in the City, to develop a more inclusive cultural offer and to encourage partnership working to strengthen the creative sector in the long term.
Our partners include Brighton & Hove City Council, Arts Council England, Brilliant Brighton Business Improvement District, the Pebble Trust and many funded arts organisations in the City. If you work in the creative industries and want to get involved and/or find out more visit cultureinourcity.com