videoclub and Videotage (Hong Kong) are excited to present Both Sides Now 6: Viral Futures, the latest edition of our long-term annual project. This edition aims to reflect on life after COVID-19 and explores how viruses continually affect our present and future. With events including digital residencies, physical and online screenings, and talks from November 2020 to February 2021.
The screening and talk takes place on 12 March 21 (6:45 – 8:15pm) at Duddell’s Hong Kong. Curator Isaac Leung with artists Angela Su and Pak Sheung Chuen will attend the post-screening talk, sharing their creative experiences and discussing their insights on the future of art with the existence of viruses.
Registration: https://forms.gle/2LycRtCQYkWTpj8h7
In August 2020, the science publication Nature announced, “COVID-19 is here to stay”, a prophetic declaration, and still relevant, even with the hope of vaccines. We took this statement as inspiration for our thematic title of Viral Futures for the sixth edition of Both Sides Now. Through Both Sides Now 6 we explore notions of viral phenomena; from ideas and the ways in which they are transmitted to reproduction and evolution. Both Sides Now 6 brings together work by 11 artists in a curated programme of film and video from across the globe. Including work by Bob Bicknell-Knight, Chen Pin Tao, Adrian Garcia Gomez, Lu Yang, Laura O’Neill, Pak Sheung Chuen, Clifford Sage, Angela Su, Shinji Toya, Cattin Tsai and John Walter.
錄映太奇和videoclub(英國)將於2020年11月至2021年2月期間呈獻年度節目「彼岸觀自在VI : Viral Futures」,舉辦數碼駐場、實體和線上錄像放映會及講座等,反思2019年新冠疫情後的生活,探討病毒如何持續影響當下與未來。首場放映會及講座將於1月14日(四)下午6時45分在Duddell’s 都爹利會館舉行,策展人梁學彬、藝術家徐世琪以及白雙全將出席映後對談,分享他們的創作經驗,討論對病毒與未來創作的看法。
國際科學期刊《自然》在 2020年8月發表的文章提出「2019冠狀病毒將會繼續存在」的預言聲明,即使到現在疫苗研發為世界帶來希望,依然貼切。今年彼岸觀自在VI以此為啟發,將Viral Futures定為主題。彼岸觀自在VI將選映11位來自世界各地藝術家的錄像作品,探索有關病毒現象的不同觀念,涵蓋各種病毒複製和進化的想法與方法。參與藝術家包括Bob Bicknell-Knight、陳品陶、Adrian Garcia Gomez、陸揚、Laura O’Neill、白雙全、Clifford Sage 、徐世琪、Shinji Toya、蔡琪玟和John Walter。
Both Sides Now 6: Viral Futures
放映會及講座-都爹利會館 Screening & Talk – Duddell’s
日期 Date: 12/3/21
時間 Time: 6:45pm – 8:15pm
地址 Venue: 中環都爹利街1號上海灘3樓都爹利會館
Duddell’s, Level 3, Shanghai Tang Mansion, 1 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong
合辦 Co-presenters: videoclub, Videotage
放映會合辦 Screening Co-presented with: Duddell’s 都爹利會館
費用全免 Free admission
Registration: https://forms.gle/2LycRtCQYkWTpj8h7
*Because of Covid restrictions and limited space, RSVP is required.
The talk is conducted mostly in Cantonese.
策展人 Curators
Isaac Leung 梁學彬(HK), Jamie Wyld(UK)
參與藝術家 Participating Artists & Programme
Bob Bicknell-Knight – There are already 35 server farms on Mars. It is the perfect temperature. (2017)
陳品陶 Chen Pin Tao – Temple of Physiotology (2019)
Adrian Garcia Gomez – Primavera (2020)
陸揚 Lu Yang – Cancer Baby (2014)
白雙全 Pak Sheung Chuen – Breathing in a House (2006)
Clifford Sage – Buddha Geometry Brain Toy (2017)
徐世琪 Angela Su – Cosmic Call (2019)
蔡琪玟 Cattin Tsai – Memes 2020 (2020)
John Walter – A Virus Walks Into a Bar (2018)
關於彼岸觀自在 About Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now is a tactical programme partnership between Videotage (HK) and videoclub (UK). Which uses contemporary and historical film and video work to explore developments within the culture and society of Hong Kong, China, and the UK, and beyond.