An office worker attempts hibernating in a remote forest. With her eyes closed she dreams, hearing recorded sounds of wild animals. Her dream soon becomes a nightmare as she turns into a distortion of the wild animal she once dreamed of.
videoclub presents Hibernation Dream, a solo exhibition by Zara Sands during 1-30 September 21 on our website. This exhibition premieres her film, Hibernation Dream, a collaborative project with composer, Will Chaffey.
A text describing the film’s audio can be downloaded here for D/deaf and hard of hearing audiences: Downloadable description of film audio
A text visually describing the film can be downloaded here for blind and partially sighted audiences: Descriptive transcript of the film
About the film
Hibernation Dream was born out of artistic research between the film’s dancer/director and the composer, Zara Sands and Will Chaffey. The aim was to explore the use of subjective and interpretive ideas to set objective criteria. Specifically looking at the concept of what is ‘natural’ and the experience of trying to fulfil this in modern life.
The film investigates raw and impulsive ways of expressing this through movement and sound. Sands proceeded to create a film that structured improvised movement with distorted performed sound. Through filmmaking, she sought to build a bizarre illustration of these experiences expressed using her and Chaffey’s perspectives.
Exhibition dates
Hibernation Dream will be showing between 1 Sept till 30 Sept 2021.
Online workshops
Along with the exhibition, Hibernation Dream will present two online workshops between 16-17 September. Extending from Sands’s research, the workshop explores how our idiosyncrasies and subjective experiences of the world manifest through the expression of sound and dance. Visit links below for details about the workshops.
Tickets and booking details
- Thursday 16 Sept 2021 – Click here for tickets
- Friday 17 Sept 2021 – Click here for tickets
Descriptive Improvisation Guide
This is an accessible video which functions as an open improvisation guide, while also being interpretable as a spoken description of the performance. The text is an original score created following the project’s movement research and was used while performing in front of the camera for the film.
Before watching and responding, ensure you are fixed in a comfortable position and that there are no obstructions within your area of movement. This video can be used with the film’s sound, with your own choice of sound or your imagination. Feel free to prepare yourself with a blanket if this suits your preference.
Hibernation Dream journal
Find out about the artist’s journey in the development of Hibernation Dream: https://www.zarasands.com/hibernation-dream-journal
Feedback to the artist
Please give your feedback to the artist about her work through this feedback form: https://forms.gle/JyV4p8ui6EiMWZfk7
About the artist
Zara Sands is a London and South-East based artist working with dance, film and sound. Having a broad spanning practice as a creative, that is informed by Sands’s research into one’s body and movement vocabularies, she is interested in using material from the body that births the thought being expressed. She enjoys using this to develop, stretch and challenge idiosyncratic movement vocabularies.
With thanks to Screen South & Jamie Wyld for their help initiating the project. Hibernation Dream is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.