videoclub & MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS (Hangzhou) present a series of short films by UK artist filmmakers in Beijing on 15-16 December.
The selected works are inspired by and created using technologies commonly employed in videogame development, such as game engines and 3D rendering. From delving into cyborg ontology to exploring queerness in science fiction, we invite you to join us on a journey into the boundless world of the digital age through these hyperrealistic films.
The event is held at The Groundless Factory in Beijing and is the finale event of Dreamy Place in 2023.
The films in the programme include:
- Clifford Sage, Where’s My Stick?, 2017, 4:20 mins
- Ben Dawson, I express myself best in silence, 2022, 6:08 mins
- Jean Baptiste Castel, Camera.1, 2019, 8:21 mins
- Megan Watson, The Air in Cyberspace, 2022, 3:20 mins
- P1nk Poodle, Queer Theory Saved My Life, 2023, 4:20 mins
- April Lin 林森, TR333, 2021, 10 mins
The Groundless Factory, Beijing
Date and time: 8pm on Friday, 15 December to 6am on Saturday, 16 December 2023 (looped screening)
Address: The Groundless Factory, 5 Zuigongfen, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Post Code: 100025 / 莫须有工厂, 中国北京市朝阳区醉公坟5号, 邮政编码: 100025
Curated and produced by videoclub and MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS. Supported by British Council Connections Through Culture Grant Programme 2023 and Arts Council England.